Fall is here
>> Sunday, October 03, 2010
Straight out of the camera. No editing. Perfection.
So many thoughts when I see this. The first is of course how big she is now. A little lady. She is getting so tall, thinning out and that hair. Wow how it is grown. Her blue eyes are not fading at all. They remind me of my Grandma's. The bright silver blue that melts hearts. They are going to be nothing but trouble in the teenage years. She got that sticker on her hand for going potty just hours before and she managed to keep it all day. Aurora (aka Sleeping Beauty).
The second is the memory of that fall day. NCSU football tailgate. It was gorgeous all day and Lily was so good. In one week we have gotten no less than three compliments about how good Lily is. Not needy, or wild. Polite and sweet. She just entertains herself and interacts with people flawlessly from one person to the next.
We deep fried turkeys, ate fattening tailgate food, and sat in our camping chairs for the better part of the day and into the evening. A batch of Sangria and five pounds later we lost the game. But it was still a great day. I think this picture confirms that.

Woo-hoo Hokies!
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