Triple Snow Threat 2010
Impact Dash-Baby Steps
I am excited to announce a collaboration between Da Eads and Impact Dash. Some of you may have heard me talking about this but I have been holding out on making an official 'announcement' until the piece was in print. Something about seeing your name officially printed makes it way cooler. Am I right?
Baby Steps
As we teach our children life lessons, we learn a few ourselves.

Stephaine, age 2

Lily (Lil'E) and Mom, Stephaine
Honestly I was never into the ‘green’ movement. If it didn’t bleed red, white, and blue we didn’t support it. Sure, I recycled growing up but only because the military bases I grew up on gave bins and it required little effort. We never talked about why we did it or the side effects of not doing it. And organic food? If that existed in the Piggly Wiggly near Grandma’s house, I never knew about it. We grew tomatoes like good southern women do. Of course my mother sprayed them with a horrible concoction of toxins on a weekly basis. BPA wasn’t bad or even discussed, and cloth diapers were something my great grandmother used before disposables were available in rural North Carolina. We never learned, we never talked and we surely never acted on our environmental impact.
Then I became a mother. I cannot pinpoint exactly what changed. Hormones are an interesting act of nature. They make you do crazy things… like think about the future. Gone were the days of living in the moment and instant gratification. Now I could no longer just worry about my future, but had to consider what it meant for my daughter’s future. Whatever changed it was like a light switch flipped. Would the things that I love about the world still be the same for Lil’ E? Or for her daughter? I felt if we continued on the path we were following, it wouldn’t be. All of sudden I heard what everyone had been talking about for years. All of a sudden I cared.
I realized I wanted better for her. But don’t we all want better for our children? Yet when you ask the average mother what they wish for their children as adults, do you think the first thing they say is a cleaner planet or even sustaining our current state? Doubtful. You get cookie cutter responses of happiness, love, health, education, or financial freedom. I even asked my beloved hippie guru and she gave me the motherly response of ‘total bliss in what she loves.’ If the hippie mom didn’t give me the environmental answer, who would? Maybe that is part of the problem. Modern mothers are so wrapped up in the latest parenting trends, milestones, and new age discipline that we lose our way.
But when you want to act, and you really start thinking about the how, it is a bit overwhelming. Where do I start? What can I do? Do I have time in the midst of my life as a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and the ten million other day-to-day responsibilities I juggle between home and work? There is so much information to process. It literally makes my head spin. But the answer is simple. We must. Because if we don’t act then we haven’t given our children the ‘better’ we long for as parents.
With the birth of a beautiful baby girl I am starting a journey to ensure she gets the ‘better’ I desire. It is a slow journey. One that consists of sifting through tons of information from every angle imaginable, then putting it in a language and form she can comprehend. But it is a journey I want Lil’ E to share with me. I want her to understand our impact, and that even she can make a difference. I want her to be greener than her parents ever thought of being, and to lead by example so that other children will follow. You may think this is a big dream to have for a 19 month old, but I am sure she is up for the challenge. After all she will have a partner to travel with.
Baby Steps is a regular column that follows everyday mothers in their attempts to make sustainable choices for themselves and their families. Baby Steps chronicles the joys and surprises of motherhood — with a green twist.
Rock On!
>> Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Lily is obsessed with music. I mean obsessed. She refuses to listen to talk radio or my new coveted audiobooks. It is to the point that she cries during commercial breaks. Sweetie I cannot help that corporate America has taken over the airways and MTV no longer shows music videos! I am sorry but I am not a miracle worker.
On her top list of jammable songs right now
1. Anything Lady Gaga but Bad Romance is a fav
2. 3 by Brittany Spears
3. Evacuate the Dance Floor by Cascada
4. Tik Tok by Keisha
5. Sweet Dreams by Beyonce
6. Anything Michael Jackson but Thriller and Startin Something are family dance favorites
So I reviewed her Top Five and realized that I should be very thankful that my child has no idea what any of these songs are about. If she did it might qualify me for the Worst Parent of the Year 2010.
But what can I say? The girl likes her club jams.
But the cutest is when the song goes off and she signs "more more" and then looks at me "more Mommy." And of course her dancing consists of spinning in circles until she gets dizzy and falls down. Aaahhh to be so easily entertained! But you would be surprised how long you can watch your adorable toddler twirl around and find it entertaining and laughable. I take it as an invitation to spin in circles with her and giggle.
Best part? That totally counts as exercise!
McFatty Monday
>> Monday, January 25, 2010
Flawed Life: Car Woes
My friend Brooke laughs at me because sometimes it seems we have the worst luck. 2009 was the year of the leaky ceiling caused by a pinhole in the bathtub, another leaky ceiling (right over the previously fixed ceiling) due to an overflowing toilet, exploding bowls and scared floors, falling in Kmart parking lots, and many other Eads mishaps. But it helps to look at the humor. Even if it is after the fact.
So yet another reason life sucks sometimes.
We paid off our "family vehicle" early last November. Not extremely early but about six months early. It was a plan to help up stick to our new 2010 budget goals. I was so happy to be down to one car payment. I saw breathing room from daycare payments, bills, and just life. We have been fairly lucky with this car and besides tires and oil changes had only dropped about 1500 dollars in maintenance on our 2003 Pathfinder.
My 2010 plan was to pay my car (you know the adorable, and gas efficient convertible that I bought a few months prior to Lily's conception) off by November 2010. This would be really early for this car. About 2.5 years early to be exact. That way when Baby #2 graced our lives we would be down to zero car payment and could shop for a larger family vehicle and maybe just maybe retain my convertible that I sometimes claim I love more than my stunningly handsome husband. But only during the months of April to September. The rest of the year he is number one in my book!
But alas the best made plan goes awry every once in awhile.
Once we paid off the car in November we immediately had to put it in to get new tires
:Cha-Ching: $1000
The week of Christmas it started messing up due to engine sludge (You are imagining those car commercials where the totally relaxed family is sitting on the couch chilling before WHAM! they get covered in sludge...that is us right now).
:Cha-Ching: $300
In January after only 900 miles the same problem arose.
:Cha-Ching: $2000
WHOOOOOAAAA! That is were I draw the line. I finally had enough. So we only got $500 dollars of maintenance done to try and solve the problem. With the agreement that if this doesn't work the car is going bye bye with a quickness. It is really not in our budget to get a new car this year, but that is usually the way it goes. We cannot keep dumping money into the clunker though. If I knew we could drop $2000 dollars and it run for another year or two it may be worth it but at this point I think we are spiralling down a drain of repairs.
Meanwhile we were down a car for a week. Carpooled for a week. All. Three. Of. Us. I think I should mention I don't like to talk in the morning prior to my daily caffeine intake. It was rough.
But while our car was in the shop and we only had my convertible to get us by. Once again. All. Three. Of. Us. In. My. Tiny. Car. I went to do my weekly Sunday grocery shopping. I gladly took Lily with me. Got her bundled was raining! Got in the car. Stuck my key in the ignition. Turned the key....
Not even a click.
Well my battery was dead. But of course we didn't have another car to jump it off. Luckily our neighbor was home and graciously jumped the car off fairly easily. So I let it run for a while to get it charged up and ready to go.
Went grocery shopping. Came back out. Got in the car. Stuck my key in the ignition. Turned the key....
Not even a click.
I reach for my cell phone, fuming but almost on the edge of tears by this point thinking how we were going to be car less and get fired for not coming to work, and then become homeless....yes I know a bit crazy. But this all happened within a two week time span. A woman can only take so much.
But of course my cell phone was no where to be found. Oh wait yes it was...on the counter at home. So I unload Lily, consider taking the carton of ice cream out of the trunk and eating it right then but resist and head over to Papa Johns to call Michael.
By now it is pouring, my ice cream is melting, but Michael comes to get us with the neighbor. Thank god. It took about twenty minutes to get it charged up. Twenty minutes of a monsoon! But we got it started.
We took it to Advanced Auto and it ended up being a bad battery and nothing major just bad timing on this emotionally exhausted mom. And it was still under warranty through them so score it was a free replacement.
We finally got the Pathfinder back last week and we are back to happily commuting separately, with my cup of soda to keep me company. But I have to admit I miss riding with them in the morning. Just a bit....
We may have to do a carpool a couple times a week, just for old times sake.
McFatty Monday
>> Monday, January 18, 2010
I don't feel like I did that well this week but I did lose the pound I gained! Who hoo!
Day at the Park
Baby #2
>> Friday, January 15, 2010
But I don't know why?
When we had Lily I never ruled out another baby. Even after the miserably pregnancy and the sheer force it took me to just be mobile. For the months following her arrival I would reach down and touch my empty (although soft) belly and long for her to be there again. I would remind myself how my pregnancy was not an easy one, but to no avail. I swear sometimes I would feel a phantom baby move in me.
People would ask: When are you having another one? And my responses were "not until she is out of diapers! I cannot handle two in diapers!" or "we want a big family trip with Lily before I get pregnant again" or "when we can get the money worked out, aka a job that can afford two daycare payments" I always had an answer.
Now although those reasons still apply they just don't seem to matter as much. I look at Lily and she gives me a sly smile and a "I lub yyyeeewwwww" and I forget how hard it is to be up nursing in the middle of the night or to keep up with a running toddler. I forget how I cried for a month dropping her off at daycare as a newborn, or the lack of confidence you have that first year. It all melts away.
Then she smacks me in the face, and alas I am back in reality.......
Vote for our Family
Nicole Faby is hosting a Best of 2009 contest and one of our photographs were chosen! Please take a second and vote for us!
We are the second picture labeled "eads" Anyone recognize that handsome devil???
Here is the link
McFatty Monday
>> Monday, January 11, 2010
I started this week off so good. But I ended the week on a failure. That failure? Three boxes of Girl Scout cookies. They didn't make it through the weekend....and they were opened on Friday.
And I was so good all week. ALL WEEK! I brought my lunch, ate like an all star. The damn weekends kill me. So I gained a pound.
But I do have some brighter news...
I have been to the grocery store twice and used my bags both times. SUCCESS!
I have been sticking to my new budget hard core. Very impressive.
So although this week was a fail mainly do to those nasty girl scouts, they are the devil, I did do some good.
Buy Me Please
>> Saturday, January 09, 2010
See one of my resolutions was to stick to my budget. A very tight budget. So tight it is the second week of the year and I am feeling the pinch.
Monkey Joe's

Lily loves it. Look at the completely happiness on her face. This was taken in the toddler jump house.

Of course you can go up another slide...DADDDYYY!!

To Our Brother: The Infamous Pillow
>> Thursday, January 07, 2010
New Year's Eve 2009

This is Scott and I going head to head in flip cup. He is convincing me of his superiority.

We had a great time! Thanks Jenna and Dave for hosting us! Even if by the end of the night Jenna needed a drink more than anyone!