12 Days of Christmas: Day 3

>> Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day Three: Most meaningful gift

Hands down the Christmas after Lily was born I got the most special present. Michael had taken the day off of work because Lily's Daycare was closed. He searched everywhere for one of those Paint Your Pot places to make me a Christmas ornament. It says it was proving to be difficult as this was when the economy was at its worst and the places were going out of business left and right.

Lily slept through the whole ordeal. It took Michael a dozen times to get her to actually open her hand and place a smooth print on the ornament. When a baby is that young they tend to ball their fists up. He said the poor kid working there had to keeping coming over to clean it off so Michael could get it just right. And boy did he get it perfect.

I actually opened it on Christmas Eve and teared up immediatly. It is still my favorite ornament to place on the tree and is dead center for all to see.

This year I had her put her palm up the ornament just to see how much she had grown and I got a little misty eyed when her hand was bigger than the ornament. Oh how the years have flown by and big she has grown.



Kit November 24, 2010 at 3:22 PM  

That is an awesome gift!

Great gift to love!

Have a great Thanksgiving!