
>> Friday, June 26, 2009

I am not sure if it my OCD or the inability to not control EVERYTHING....but why am I packing Michael to go to Europe? Do I not trust that he can pack the appropriate number of underwear? Do I need to make sure he has the nice outfits so we don't look like scrubs in all of our photos? I am really not sure. But I seriously have all his outfits in a suitcase right now and only two laying on the bed for me. What is up with that? He is a grown man. I should seriously consider giving him back control of his own suitcase. Maybe I am just procrastinating packing myself. Because right now all Lily and Michael's clothes are packed.

I hate packing. I always pack way too much and try to prepare for every scenario and then end up with a bag that weighs a million pounds. Except this time I won't have Michael to pawn the heavy bag onto. I have to lug it around. Girls have it way worse than guys. I need the outfit to go sightseeing in and then the outfit to go out in, and then what if it cold or hot? That equals like thirty outfits for 10 days! I have a problem. A serious problem. Now you know why I don't want to pack.

On a brighter note I am obviously making some progress. I think I have bought everything on my list including sleep aids for the plane rides to and from. I also got some camera accessories to aid in my awesome photo taking in the weeks to come. Remove one list! I have most of Lily's things packed. Michael will obviously be packed by tomorrow since he is leaving tomorrow night. Eek. I will miss him so much. Or at least his ability to be awesome at baby entertaining!