Busy Momma

>> Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I know I have been slack about posting. I swear I am so busy I can't get anything done. It is like my brain is overwhelmed and is boycotting by shutting down. My mom is currently in town visiting for the rest of the week so I am hoping to get some breathing room.

For those of you that haven't heard the blog will be transforming into a travel blog in the next two weeks as Mommy and Daddy run away to Europe with the threat of never returning! Michael had an exciting opportunity to go to training in Germany and Switzerland for two weeks. I decided to tag along and we added four additional nights in Paris. Needless to say I am super excited. Unfortunately the trip is being thrown together at the last minute and my normal OCDness of planning Nazi (no Germany pun intended) is not getting its fix. I need my iternaries people!! So my blood pressure is high with the stress of planning the wonderfully exciting trip. I feel I should menition until today there was the added stress of waiting for my passport (which per the nice government lady was shipped today). I booked my plane flight without having the passport in hand which was an extreme stress on my pocketbook. Delta offered no refund for such shinangins. Not smart but necessary to get a decently priced flight. So that is the deal with that.

Then Michael's work tells us last week they will be sending him away for three to four days to California right before Europe. Eek! I have to pack for a two week trip (three for Michael) and take care of the baby by myself. Pack her for the two weeks to go to grandma's, get my dogs squared away...thanks to everyone helping avoid a $500 dollar boarding bill. I need reenforcements people. Please come to my house next week and relieve me. I will feed you I promise. It may be a frozen pizza but it might be all I have time for.

On top of that I have Lily's Par-Tae this Saturday. I have the cake confirmed, the food ordered, the decorations (minus balloons) bought, and the tent, tables, and chairs rented. Whew. Now to survive the scorching hot day at a cool sunny and 96 degrees. Maybe I won't have to worry about all my stress if I keel over from heat stroke during the party. That reminds me...add fans to my list of things to get.

Michael and I are going to try and squeeze in a date tomorrow night and take advantage of my Mom being in town. But the date may become a planning date. I am think B&N and wireless internet. We are just now getting hotel rooms booked so I guess we need to figure out where we are going now. You know train tickets, etc.

Poor Michael is worse off than me with the added stresses of work. It is sad that a great oppurtunity is turned inot a stressful event! I am hoping once we get there and start drinking heavily this stress stuff will melt away! It will probably be replaced with anxiety of being away from babygirl. Luckily I am so busy I can't think about leaving her for that long.

I will end this post on what my head is doing right now.....screaming AAGGGHHHHHH!!!! TOOOOOOOO MUUUUUUUCCCHHHHHH TOOOOOOOOO DOOOOOO!!!!


Shelly June 17, 2009 at 11:27 AM  

hey! i didn't know you were going to europe! sounds like you will have LOTS of fun! i know it is stressful leading up to the trip...but it will be well worth it! can't wait to read the traveling blog! have fun and take lots of pics!

btw, LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics of Lily! so cute!!!

Alice June 17, 2009 at 1:50 PM  

Wow! Europe for 2 weeks!!!! That is great! I need to leave R for just one night at some point. I haven't even done that yet...(But I don't really have any one to leave him with anyways....) See you Sat!