Sunny Sunday

>> Monday, February 09, 2009

This past Sunday was gorgeous for a Sunday in early February. It was seventy so we kicked off our shoes and spent some time outside. Lily had a sundress waiting to be worn! We don't get a whole lot of time outside because it has been so cold, and definitely have not had any since she got mobile! First we went to swing for awhile. She loved it as usual!

Holding on for dear life!
Curious Baby
Hot Daddy! I love this picture. I want to frame it for my desk at work but I think it might be too cheezy.

After swing time we spent some time out of the blanket in the front yard. Lily has been getting up on all fours in an attempt to truly crawl. This is possible on something other than hardwood floors and apparently grass. She was very interested in the grass and leaves and did not stick to Mommy's protocol of staying on the blanket. We had a lot of fun! Here are few pics of the day. Oh notice Michael shaved his beard so yes he looks different. Him and the Razor got in a fight Saturday morning and the Razor won. It was hysterical. I got out of the shower and was shocked by his appearance. I haven't seen him without his beard in a LONG time. His favorite line is "I know it is terrible! My face isn't covered up anymore." It is really starting to grow on me though.

Daddy and Lily

Look how Blonde she is getting!

Belly off the ground crawling!

Lily is having surgery tomorrow on her ears. Wish us luck. I will post on that and and Eight Month Birthday post! Til Then.....


Nicole Faby February 9, 2009 at 7:59 PM  

Ill pray for Lily! I am sure everything will go smooth and she will be a much happier baby with out all the ear pain and meds!! xoxo

Mickie February 9, 2009 at 9:36 PM  

Hope all goes well tomorrow. Funny Jack shaved off his beard last Monday & I had the same reaction, haha