Rave Review: Parents Magazine

>> Thursday, August 13, 2009

I know a lot of Moms think this magazine is worthless but I recently started reading it and I love it! I got a really cheap subscribtion (12 dollars?) and am hooked. It makes me feel better that other Moms struggle with the same issues and oftern find solutions that work!

Each issue features a section split up into different age groups beginning during pregnancy through childhood years. This month Lily's age section focused on discipline. The funny thing is Michael and I have definitely been discussing how we need to start this process. This usually begins about the time your child melts down in Wal Mart over the Elmo you took out of her hands and continues well into college drinking ticket years. Oh what is a mother to do? This month's section focused on distraction as a tactic for Lily's age. Unfortunately acting like the child was not yours in Wal Mart was not an option.

I will say that I think new parents should definitely considering a subscription to this magazine pre-baby and well into the toddler years. With my new subscription I also got a Family Circle but I haven't read to many of those yet. The downside to getting them post baby is the lack of time to indulge in the magazine. I read my on my lunch break. I could probably get Michael to read them if I left them in the bathroom!