Miss Morning Sickness?
>> Thursday, April 29, 2010

One of the people I asked to guest blog last week for Tantrum week was the infamous Blair. I really shouldn't have to introduce. She pretty much rocks. You can check out Blair and Nate's adventures with baby Harrison over at the Heir to Blair here. I promise you will be addicted once you start reading.
But there was one tiny problem? Harrison is way to young for tantrums. Although I think girlfriend suffered enough with reflux fits so she deserves the break. But to top it off... Blair was the perfect child. As if? Did she really just throw that in my face?? Now?! But honestly I could see it. She probably wasn't perfect just smart enough to get her brothers blamed for it. Resourceful? I think so.
So I gave Blair free regien. A little scary I know, needless to say I was not disappointed. Now I want you to all think about your favorite/most annoying infomerical celeb. This is the fun we could have been having with them.... Tony Little? Billy Mays? Richard Simmons? Mr. Cash?
Ever wonder what is in Playdough? It is best not to ask becasue no one knows. See below of April's Baby Steps Column or go here Pliable dough that’s not just non-toxic, it’s actually edible — and kind of delicious.
Toddler Playdough
by Stephaine Eads
April 15th, 2010
Tantrum week is over. Go ahead and wipe that tear from your face. Or should I say wipe it from your toddler's face. It may not be over in real life but in blog life we say farwell. Maybe closer to Lily's third birthday the topic will be revisited by me and others as a whole new set of issues arise. Now don't get me wrong I will still entertain you with horror stories, but I think we are learning to deal with them one by one. It feels like it is getting better and she may actually be learning what is appropriate and what is not.
Thanks so much to all my guest bloggers. I got so many emails from readers about how funny they thought the posts were or how they feel the same way or how ironically their child called themselves Ms. Woo Woo too. I hope this makes us all realize we are not alone, that every child is different (yet the same!), and that there are endless ways to dealing with it. My number one choice? Margaritas. My number two choice? Counting and time out.
To end the week I want to post a little video of Lily in a small tantrum. This is small potatoes compared to her bigger ones...but it is a funny one. First she only starts crying when I look at her. Then she just starts saying sorry and asking for a hug to get out of trouble. My little player player. See if you can pinpoint when I am looking at her and when I am not.
How do I know that it is getting better? Now she just walks to time out when she starts pitching a fit. Check. She immediately starts saying sorry when she sits down. Check. She started asking for a hug when she gets out. Check.
Now the hard part is making her understand just because you are saying sorry doesn't mean you are getting out of time out until your time is served. Even harder keeping her in there when all she wants is a hug :(
Here is to better days and the possibility of another child in spite of these stages.
Today's guest blogger is my dear BIL Wayne. I know you all recognize the name Morgan. My beautiful niece. I will say it has been so wonderful having a child the same age as Lily in the family. See Lily and Morgan are only a month apart in age. They are so cute together yet I can see flashes of the terror they will cause us in their teenage boy-crazed years. Since we found out we were pregnant at the same time, my SIL and I have bonded over pregnancy, milestones, sickness, and now....tantrums. Now I find it hard to believe that my sweet little niece would ever act like this, but I found it hard to believe that Lily would ever chunk a bowl of goldfish (last night BTW) at me either. It is nice to know I am not alone.
This is the story of Morgan's latest, and probably most embarrassing tantrum.....Enjoy!
Morgan's latest melt-down happened a couple Wednesdays ago while we were visiting Brent and Chris at their house. After dinner, we decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood as it was a beautiful evening and the temperature was just perfect..
Throughout the entire visit, Morgan had been a perfect little angel. Maybe that's why we were caught so off-guard by what happened next. We took two small vehicles on the walk, Will's stroller and his little red plastic push-along car. Both children were content to ride and the adults enjoyed meaningful conversation as we strolled.
Will started climbing out of his car, so we decided to put him in the stroller, but there was one problem. Morgan was in his stroller. We thought this was a minor problem... one that we could easily remedy... we were so wrong.
Morgan wasn't ready to be evicted from the stroller and she made her demand to stay quite clear. We try not to immediately give in to these demands for fear that one day, we may lose control altogether and leave Morgan with an empty void where her strong character and deep sense or right and wrong should be.
So we stood our ground and Tanya removed her from the stroller Being thrust into limbo did not sit well with Morgan. She shrieked in one of those high decibel outbursts that can be heard for blocks. Then she started pulling her hair, which gladly gave itself up in huge handfuls. Telling her to stop made no sense to her and only fueled her intense anger.
Our serene stroll around the neighborhood had quickly deteriorated into the opening scenes of "The Super Nanny", but she was nowhere to be found. The only spectators to this event were Brent and Chris' unwitting neighbors
Wayne quickly put on his "Super Dad" cape and tried to intervene, but Morgan suddenly morphed from sweet, innocent child with a grievance into a vicious jungle cat with Kryptonite claws slashing every surface within range. Wayne's face and ears were in range unfortunately and he too let out a shriek... of immense pain.
The rest of the adults, sensing that the situation was going downhill fast, continued to walk further and further ahead and made it back to the house several minutes before the traveling sideshow. When Daddy and the "Wildcat" made it back, they went straight to the car and Wayne gave a sort of humble, "we're leaving... sorry for making a scene... thanks for dinner" remark.
On the way home, he tried to be inconspicuous as he glimpsed the reflection in the rearview mirror, compiling a damage report. The good news is that the scratches were superficial. The bad news is, we still aren't sure how to diffuse this type of behavior. Though we hate to hear that you're having the same type of issues with Lily, it is comforting to know that we are not alone.
We are getting a double dose of guest blogging today....
Today's guest blogger is Nicole from Nicole Faby Photography and Fantabulous Faby Blog. You may recognize her name from all the awesome pictures she takes of my family, and so many of my friend's families. So how do Nikki and I know each other? I feel like this is a long story, because we have known each other for about seven years. But first let me say she will always be Nikki to me. Nicole is this new fancy name she started going by when she got all grown up. We met in college and were sorority sisters in Chi Omega. To be honest we didn't run in the same crowd, she was a bit younger than me, and I was an older sister that had one foot out the door. We worked together waiting tables and I still have a hard time remembering it, except in pictures. Ha! All those 'activities' in college are catching up with me!
But then we graduated. I am still heavily involved with Chi Omega post college. At first I was a member of the Alumni Board serving as secretary (as did she), then moving into an advisor position a few years back. Now I remember when I found out Nikki was pregnant. We were eating at Moe's in Cameron Village and it was during one of our Alumni Officer meetings. At that point she made the THIRD girl on the board of five that was pregnant. A few months later I made the fourth. With the birth of new babies come new friendships. Now that we both have crazy toddlers we have a new bond outside of Chi Omega.
Finally, she started her photography business and we have a whole new bond! Ya'll know I love taking pictures. I have pretty much been with her since the beginning and a totally loyal customer. Nikki has helped me a lot with editing programs and techniques. Not to mention at one point I felt like her photography pimp..haha. Hey you push what you believe in! So check her out here for some awesome picture taking and here for a sneak peak into life with a CRAZY ALL BOY toddler, being an awesome step-mom, and being married to amateur wrestler Jaxon Dane.
Here is a perspective we are not used to hearing, the one from us as the parent.....Enjoy!
When Steph asked for tantrum stories I had no idea where to begin. My stepdaughters first time out with us for throwing a crayon at another table at a restaurant? Or for kicking her newborn baby brother in the head? My son's constant tantrums over the most ridiculous things (i.e. "i want to climb" up the entertainment center?) The strange places my son has had time out (The zoo, the pharmacy, and countless bathrooms? My son is two and a typical day he wakes up and within 15 minutes is in time out! He is a wild boy... who loves to test us!
I would like to talk to talk about how tantrums can make me feel. Sometimes it feels like tantrums will never end. Sometimes I get jealous. There are days when I would like to scream and throw things but at 26 thats just not acceptable to society. Sometimes it makes me laugh... my dearest Luke do you even know how ridiculous you look? I have to hide my smile, thankfully your hiney is in the corner and you can't see me laughing at you!! Sometimes it makes me confused... Why Katelyn will you just not swallow that bite of food?! You like everything in it! Where do you get the willpower to be so stubborn?! Sometimes it scares me... I seriously worry you are going to bust a vein in your head from all that screaming or break a leg with all that kicking. Should I put a helmet on you since you choose to bang your head on the ground. Sometimes it makes me embarrassed! This kid is not with me!! (Why is it that your kid has the worst days in front of your most judgmental friends/coworkers/family members) Sometimes it makes me cry. There are the days I am just too exhausted to deal with it all. Yesterday was one of them. It was a long day no sleep the night before because he was up, he refused to take a nap (WHY do overtired children refuse to sleep) and I was talking with a friend and Luke was laying next to me and wanted attention he thought kicking me was the best way to do it. I wanted to run away but instead I placed him back in timeout and burst into tears... Will it ever end?
It will. I know this. I am grateful for the friends who remind me of this. For my stepdaughter who is living proof. For my mom who raised one crazy boy (sorry bro) and survived. For my grandmother who has run an in home daycare for 30+ years and has shared some stories of her own!
After one of my worst tantrum filled days I laid in my sons bed with him and my husband and my little boy kissed me and snuggled on my chest and the screams faded far away and the tears (his and mine) seemed like a million years ago and I remembered... It's all worth it.
Nanny Mandy is no longer a Nanny anymore...but she is a Mom to adorable Molly. Mandy went to high school with my hubby and is an absolute doll! Other than my kid (no bias) she might have created the prettiest little girl in the world.
But Molly is young. She is still innocent and cute. No tantrums to date. But they are a coming girl. Don't be fooled by her sweetness. This is nature's way of making you think she can do no wrong before a demon possesses them and they turn into a flailaholics! Here a few favorite memories from the Nanny Diaries. They bring humor in hindsight..probably not so much in reality.
I was trying to recall some nanny moments I had since I was with Camille for almost five years. Although she was kept on an extremely tight leash by her parents, she still certainly had her moments while she learned her limits. I think a lot of times I was the one that was tested the most as she knew her parents had a “zero tolerance” policy. She was given one warning and then sent to bed (a time out in her room for at least 10 minutes or until she cooled off). By the time she was 3, maybe 3 and 1/2 , all you had to say to tantrums, whining, bad behavior, etc… was “Do you need to go to bed?” and she (desperately sobbing) would say “No!” I’m sure it was the consistency of how all of this was handled over and over and over again that led to the extremely polite, ridiculously grown up little woman she is today.
That being said – there were times when Nanny Mandy did want to go out of the house and sending her straight to bed was not an option.
One Christmas season I physically had to remove Camille from Founders Hall in uptown after she discovered that she couldn’t hug the bears that sing the songs. Her favorite stuffed animal was a teddy bear named “Gee-Gee” so imagine a little girl dressed in her Christmas best, melting into a pile on the floor and then being carried away while screaming “I want big gee-gee!”
She discovered the “Banana Fana” song and loved to sing about everything and everyone – but particularly about animals. This really wasn’t a problem until she would repeat the same line over and over (at the top of her lungs – of course) about Mr. Duck. “Duck, duck, bo-buck, banana fana, fo-F__k….” I tried to ignore this the first few times but people really look at you when you let a little girl say the F-word. Not sure which was worse, the glares or the tantrums from not letting her sing her favorite song.
She has poured entire full cups of beverages on herself when she hasn’t liked an outfit. Talk about not having anything to wear.
She hid from most men or threw a fit it they looked at her for a solid year. (similar to Lily’s recent episode) This included her own father at times.
There were days when she wouldn’t answer to her own name but to the alter ego she made for herself, “Woo-Woo.” When you’re a 25 year old female nanny, people don’t expect you to say “Where’s my Woo-Woo?” You really ought to know by that age.
Apparently I have one friend that is hard core no spanking...who knew? Meet Sharla. My oldest friend. No like really old. Let me count...five....ten....fifteen..wow sixteen years. That is a long time yo! And I am a military brat so that has to be some kind of record with all the moving around I did. So Sharla is a single mom to Jackson. Remember my new respect for single moms? This girl gets the bulk of it. You can check out her blog called Just the Two of us here How does a single mom keep her cool? Read on my friends....
Greetings, Da Eads readers! Let me introduce myself. Stephaine & I go way back. Back to the mid-nineties when we were awkwardly adolescent and just discovering our true snarky wits. When she moved to the great town of Dallas, NC and joined me at WC Friday Junior High, I immediately knew this girl was destined to be a good friend. We shared not-quite-legal weekend jobs at the local flea market (did I really just publish that on the intar-web?
As for my story -- I’m a late-20s single mom to a 2 year old boy (yeahhh…. my ex-husband just out of the blue decided to peace the eff out of our marriage one day. When my son was 15 months old. After we had been together for ten years in what I thought was a happy, solid relationship. Say it with me now --- deeeeeeeeebaaaagggggggeryyyyy!!). I’ve managed to come out on the other side of that madness with my life still intact, barely medicated, and hopeful and excited about the experiences Jackson and I will share in our tiny little twosome family in the days and years ahead.
So on to the topic at hand --- TANTRUMS. I am no stranger to these evil storms of toddler terror. And I haven’t made it to the other side yet, so I’m still in the terrified how-bad-will-this-get-and-will-it-ever-end side of things. The worst days are when he seems to just get in a “funk” and has tantrums over and over and can’t be placated. His tantrum patterns are similar to labor contractions --- they come in and out for hours at times; usually not too lengthy (a couple of minutes max), some more intense than others. Where’s my mommy epidural? Closest thing I have to simmering it all down is pulling up a Dora the Explorer on the DVR !! Alas, most tantrums happen away from home; that damn Dora is never there when I need her most. No bueno, mi amiga.
His “tantrums” first started as self-punishment; he did the whole head-banging thing. My response to that was to ignore, and he learned rather quickly that it wasn’t conducive to his ultimate goal. The tantrums have since evolved into mixed arrangements of hitting, thrashing, throwing down on the floor, crying/yelling, and the like. Of course, the ones in public are the worst, and I’m sure he senses this slight shift in power and takes full advantage of the opportunity to humiliate me to no end. I try to retain the upper hand, but sometimes I do feel like I lose the battle. I try not to give in, but sometimes I just take a deep breath, remind myself that this behavior is completely developmentally appropriate, and let him “win” whatever he’s trying to achieve. Sometimes my sanity is more valuable than being a 100% hardass.
Many times, the tantrums erupt over his incessant urge to do things completely 100% on his own, and those are usually the battles that I let him claim victory, because sometimes his tantrums make me realize that I’m in the wrong here. I SHOULD let him do more things on his own, even if it will make a mess. Even if it will result in a mistake. Even if it will take more time. Sometimes it takes a crying thrashing 2 year old to snap me out of the my-way-or-the-highway mode and realize I do need to adjust my own attitude and just let him learn and experience things on his own.
But for other tantrums, it’s usually what-I-say-goes-and-that’s-that. At the recommendation of a seasoned mom of two boys, I read and am following the advice and guidance of the 1-2-3 Magic approach. I’m a firm no on spanking (no knock to other parents, just my personal choice). My approach is kind of a 3 strikes you’re out --- if he does something he’s not supposed to (whining, not following instructions, throwing something down on purpose, the list goes on…..), I say “1.” No explanation or discussion (unless it’s something he hasn’t ever done before, and a brief warning precedes the “1”). Subsequent offense gets a “2” and then if I get to “3” it’s a 2 minute time out. During time out, I do not interact with him at all or give him any attention or eye contact. There is little to no discussion on the offense – I may briefly mention it after his time out is complete. There are some things that don’t get a 1-2-3 --- hitting is an immediate time out. In the beginning, he just tested this game, and always went to 3. But now, he often stops at 1 or 2, so some progress!
The only problem is it’s difficult to handle in public. I try to stick firm with the 1-2-3, but do find myself waffling a bit because, hello(!), where the hell am I going to put him in time out?? I have been creative, and simultaneously mortified. Here are some places I have put Jackson in time-out:
In the car. While driving. I just announced he was in time out, turned off the radio, and didn’t talk to him for 2 minutes. Should have gone with the empty don’t-make-me-turn-this-car-around threat instead.
At Discovery Place (museum) outside the exhibit area. Just sat him against the wall and kind of stood a bit away. Tried to not feel like worst mother of the year as he cried and onlookers stared in confusion as to why I wasn’t consoling my sobbing child.
In WalMart in the shopping cart. I do the shopping cart time out all the time (even though I try to avoid taking him shopping at because he only lasts a good 5 minutes before losing it). I just push it a bit away from me, and ignore him for 2 minutes. Also creates confused stares from fellow shoppers, and many oblivious do-gooders ruin the time out by talking to him anyway. So perhaps a worthless effort, nonetheless.
On the sidewalk curb at an outdoor festival. Ditto on the embarrassment.
Sometimes Jackson brings laughter and frustration all at once with his antics. Case in point --- he was not behaving appropriately during bath one night, so he got a time out. Without wasting time, so the offense/punishment time ratio was slim, I just took him straight to his upstairs time out spot --- his PBK Anywhere Chair in the bonus room. Two minutes later, when I go to let him get up, I come in the room and he says “I pee pee.” And indeed, since he was wearing only a towel, there was pee all over the PBK chair. With a slipcover I have only ventured to spot clean because the insert was so effing frustrating to get crammed in the cover. Beautiful. Lesson learned, mommy. Time outs must include a diaper.
Other tantrum highlights?
Me carrying him (horizontal in my arms) screaming “My trains! My trains!” (along with my handbag and a coffee cup) through the Books A Million store after we left the train table.
Me mortified as he threw his plastic fireman hat on the ground in anger and almost tripped an innocent passerby dad holding his baby. (this was just this past Sunday!)
Me taking him thrashing and screaming out of Moe’s before we even started eating because he went ballistic nutso after he couldn’t eat the cookie first (damn that free cookie that I didn’t even know we were getting with the kids meal!!! And a PSA to all the Moe’s cashiers, don’t announce super loud and wave the free cookie in a toddler’s face. This mom will give you a death stare.). We sat in the car for 20 minutes with food left on the table inside. I wasn’t sure if we would be able to go back inside at all. We did, eventually. This was in my early single-parenting days, and at the time, it was a serious blow to the I-CAN-do-it-alone confidence.
And I’m sure there will be plenty more to come. This parenting rite of passage is overwhelming and immensely frustrating at times, but I have to take comfort in the notion that all around me, other parents are enduring the same torture. And it helps me to remember that my little guy is overwhelmed and frustrated himself --- he’s beginning a tremendous developmental journey into learning to manage independence and self-judgment. And I’m so thrilled to be able to enjoy the journey with him --- even if he does scream and thrash a little bit along the way.
Jackson pouting at an event last week....oh the cuteness. At least he is being green!
I got Lily and I tickets to see Cinderella over the weekend. We made it through the first act before she stopped listening, stopped caring about being quiet, and I left the theater with my tails between my legs. But it started out good. And although we had to leave she really wasn't being that bad; I just didn't want her to disturb anyone else.
She might have been the cutest kid there. Even if she was dressed as the wrong princess!
Katherine over at The Bagley Circus has been a great resource on toddler advice. Her son Landon had a lot of the same ear infection problems as Lily so I was constantly annoying her with baby questions. He is about a year older so she had already been through it when I was just a rookie. Should I do this? What about this? Blah Blah Blah. I am sure she is so sick of hearing it. But when I mentioned the Terrible Twos she laughed and told me she had seen it all. Katherine has beaten the odds and decided to procreate again so I figure it has to get better eventually right? Go check her blog out by clicking here to see some adorable pictures of two little boys that will melt your heart!
Here is a hysterical story of Landon at Lily's age as told through the eyes of a mortified mother:
Welcome to Terrible Twos…the world of tantrums for no apparent reason. Buckle up…it’s going to be a bumpy ride. But nothing that some Mommy time-outs, ear plugs & Heineken Lights can’t handle! As a surviving mother of terrible 2s, I can tell my story from the other side & provide hope to those of you on the front end.
My husband and I both are strong disciplinarians. I don’t let my child run wild. I talk, I give time-outs and I whip. We are consistent. I don’t let my child talk back. He says please, thank you, excuse me, yes mam and no sir. I know those of you out there who glare at a parent and think “get your child under control” and “if that was my child, I would …” and “that kid is a spoiled brat and needs his butt whooped”. You obviously have not had a 2-year old of your own. There is no reasoning with them. There is nothing that a time-out or a spanking will fix. I can promise you. Give those parents a little slack. Pretend not to notice. They are mortified, trust me.
There was a timeframe where the hubby & I didn’t even leave the house. We were too embarrassed. But we had to venture out sometimes with demon-child in tow, and we always arrived back home with our tails tucked between our legs and heads hung low. We took an out-of-town cousin out to dinner once for his birthday. We purposely picked a louder restaurant. It was going pretty good until our son stood up, turned around and threw the chewed-up French Fries (fresh out of his mouth) into the ladies hair behind him…all in a millisecond before the words “Landon, sit down” could leave my mouth. O.M.G. I wanted to dig a hole all the way to China. Of course, my husband grabs him up and takes him outside to discipline him properly while I apologize profusely to the innocent victim and try to get the fries out of her hair. Luckily, she was sitting at a table with her husband & 2 teens of her own. She looked at me (with sympathetic eyes, God bless her) and said “He’s 2, isn’t he?”.
How can you reason with a 2 year old? There’s no way to even understand what they are thinking. Exhibit A: My son wanted ketchup. Gave him ketchup. Then he went into a fit because he had ketchup!!!! WHAT?!?! What do you even do with that? The first few times, of course, I took a napkin and scraped off all the ketchup off of his plate. Then he screamed again for ketchup. I learned quickly that no matter what I gave him, he wanted the opposite. You’ve just got to let them work it out on their own & ignore it. I truly believe they are trying to figure out who has the power. If I want ketchup, she’ll give me ketchup. But then if I cry and scream that I don’t want it, she’ll take it away. Let’s see how long I can boss her around and pull her strings like a master puppeteer. Oh no sir, Mommy is the boss here. There will be no pulling of my strings.
Hang in there Moms and Dads. Try to keep your cool, even if you have to walk away. Let them work it out and ignore the tantrums. They’ll learn that they don’t get them attention. It may take a few headaches to get there, but you will get there.
And it does get better (not to sound cliché) & I have proof. A 9-month old bouncing baby boy.
And PS – if you think 2 was bad…just wait til 3s!!!!!
You know how you have those friends that will just point and laugh at you while your complaining. In a good way of course. You know the slap in the face that welcomes you back to reality and says snap out of it. Well that is my friend Kelly. Kelly's little boy is well....all boy. A wild child to say the least. When I sent her an email this week asking her to give me some stories to make me feel better about Lily's Drama filled week this was her response.
Tantrums, yes, I am familiar. Is it bad that I cannot pinpoint a single particularly horrid situation? My mom says that what goes around comes around because my son is stubborn like his mamma. Here are a few of my favorite (eye roll) mom moments. I have climbed into the backseat to use my full body weight to wrestle him into the car seat because he didn’t want to leave the park. I have done timeout in the Target restroom because he thought we were at the “banana store” and he found out that Target doesn’t sell bananas. We have also turned his doorknob around so that we can lock him in his room at night because, seriously, it is bedtime. But, the good news is that while months 20-26 were REALLY long, I think we have recently turned the corner. He has learned where the line is and doesn’t push as hard once he crosses it. So, while I have no sympathy for you what so ever because baby girl has been such a doll so far, don’t worry because this too shall pass!
While I have no sympathy for you....Thanks Kelly! I feel like I have officially been inducted into the Mama club. And I thought that happened the first time I got the trifecta of vomit, poo, and pee on my clothes in the same day! Little did I know.
Over the next week and a half I will be featuring a few guest bloggers about Da Eads buzz word of the week... Tantrums. Yes that is right....those eye roll mom moments Kelly spoke of. I hope you enjoy this week and it helps you not feel so alone. Because to be honest that is what this about. To let you know a) it could be worse b) it will pass c) you should call you mother right now and thank her for putting up with you when you were two.
Of all books this morning Lily brought me...What's wrong Little Pookie by Sandra Boyton. This is while she was being a perfect angel. Heaven!
Read more...I think my exhaustion with Lily has started to roll into my work life. I was talking with a fellow Mom at work about my trials and tribulations with the terrible twos when another co-worker decided to chime in. She mentioned that if I thought it was bad now wait until she was a teenager. My response? "Well at least then I can kick her in the arse and she will get the idea. That wouldn't so much work now!" You would think the world had screeched to a stop!
Me :disbelief on my face: Oh yes I can!
CW :shocked: They can call child services!
Me: :matter of factly with extreme southern drawl (my fiesty voice): Call them, I will tell them the same thing. A spanking for mouthing off never hurt nobody And they will take one look at the situation and think...Mmmm I would do the same thing and then leave.
CW: Well that is just awful and you better be careful! My daughter called them on me once and they came!
Me: Bring it on!
Okay seriously? Is our society that scared of itself that we can't even discipline our own children? That is when you have to stop and realize this is why we have the hellions we have these days. Kids would have never gotten away with this stuff in the day! Parents are scared! Scared of what people think. Scared of getting in trouble. Scared of royally screwing up their kids. There probably aren't many Mom's out there that didn't get a good arse whooping at least once in their life from a pissed off parent. I did! And you know what? I am fine! I am better for it! I learned a little respect.
So yes I admit it. I believe in spanking. I am Pro-Spanking! Go ahead judge, and think I am a horrible Mother! But I know that there are times when it is needed. My Dad used to just get the 'big scary eyes' at me and it was enough to stop me in my tracks. I think I had the fear of God put in me at an early age. So much that the fear of a spanking straightened me up right quick. I didn't actually get spanked that often. That is golden if you are a parent.
Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying everyone should beat their children into submission. No you can't do that. Even if you feel like it sometimes (okay a lot of the time when teenagers are involved). But I think a good pop on the arse is necessary at times. Has Lily gotten a pop? Yes! More than once. It has usually involved a safety issue up to this point. For example, running into the street after being warned to stop. Or trying to take apart the electrical outlet at a friends (not so baby-proofed) house after a being asked to stop. That deserves a pop! It is a safety concern.
With that being said you should always spank responsibly. A fellow mom suggested that the parent "sentencing punishment" (aka the pissed off parent) should determine the punishment and the other should be the "deliverer." This prevents you from spanking/punishing/time-outing, etc a child while angry and shows that both parents are a team and on the same page. I thought this was an awesome idea! Not always feasible but definitely worth a try.
What do you think? Is spanking a thing of the past due to fear? Or in good southern fashion will you deliver a good arse pop when the need arises?
I had a rough parenting week. Do you ever have those weeks? The ones where you realize how people can beat their children. Not that I would....but I see how it happens. I thank god every time these days come that I have another, if not better, half to pass Lily off to. I don't know how single parents do it. Yes I have done the step away approach but that doesn't stop the fit that just moves you beyond hands reach. All I can say is I have a whole new respect for single parents.
Everyone has their breaking point and I have been known to have a short fuse. My breaking point with Lily is tantrums. I just can't stand it. Every time she gets into a crying fit I feel my blood pressure boil and my patience shorten. Now if something is wrong there is a biological response that kicks in that turns off my pressure and extends my patience. I don't know what it is! How does nature do it? But crying because I touched her Play-dough box sends me over the edge. AAaggghhh!
I swear the kid had a two hour tantrum a few days ago. How can you scream, kick, fall, hit, and cry for that long? How does she still have a voice? Her eyes were so puffed up she could barely open them. You know what set her off? Applesauce. She wanted applesauce. Seriously? TWO HOURS! HALF A DOZEN TIME OUTS!!! This is why I will be gray before my time.
There has been a lotta bitch slapping in my house this week. All performed by Lily. I feel like a slapping/kicking bag. NOOO! :Slap: NNOOOO! :Kick: Which has led to a lot of time outs.
And naps and bed time? HA! No more setting her down and peacing out.
Mommy/Daddy: It is night night time.
:Kicking, slapping, screaming:
Although she is still sleeping through the night. But where it took us ten minutes to put her down last month it is now at minimum an hour process.
I will say the counting helps me keep my cool. I am very stern and consistent with my counting. 1-2-3 TIME OUT is becoming a frequent phrase in our house. We have transitioned her time out spot to a wall/corning facing stance. Previously we were keeping her in the crib. But as her fits have gotten more dramatic and spirited I don't think the crib will hold up much longer! And she is hiking her leg up on the rail now. So I am starting to question its safeness.
Have we reached the terrible twos? Do I want to even attempt to have another child. Yesterday my answer was hell to the no. Have you lost your mind! No more babies for me.
That is until I got a phone call yesterday from daycare. Lily had a high temperature and I needed to come get her. Wait? Has she been sick all week and I didn't know it? Did I put her in time out because she was sick fussy? Oh crap. There I go being a crappy mom again. Have my Mommy senses failed me? When I got there she was all puppy dogged eyes and snuggly like I was the only one that could make her feel better. Okay maybe we will have one more.....just one. When Lily is 18...okay 30.
I'll give her a break until she starts feeling better. But I am sticking to my story that we have hit the terrible twos. Hey I am going to do what I gotta do to sleep tonight. Where is my sweet angel princess? I want her back STAT! Actually I just want to stop feeling like a horrible Mother since I have zero patience.
Better luck next week I guess. I will write this week off as a FAIL! And I heard the three's are worse! This is why you should have your kids close together. Before you realize what you are getting yourself into.
Disclaimer: No children were beaten during the creation of this post and no applesauce was consumed.