Stephie and Michele Take on Vegas-Part Two

>> Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I am known for very few things in this life. My boring blog. My love of photography. Mediocre wife and mother. But one thing is known for sure by anyone that knows me. Any time I hit the sauce I start taking open mouthed self portraits.

This is what was found on my point and shoot upon my return to vegas.

Michele and I before Yard Drink: Night One

After yard drink and getting hit on by hot young guy in which I had to lie and say Steve (Michele's Husband) was my own to get the guy to leave. Who still has it??!!! and then immediately took out her camera to mark the occasion! 

 Before Night Two: AKA St. Patty's Day. $3 Guinness $20 buckets

A little later....five Guinness and two buckets deep
 The end of the night...more buckets deep than we care to admit. Also followed by a search for firefly vodka and lemonades. To no success. 
The very end of the night when asked how much money I had lost! Or wait was that about how many types of sweet tea vodka I tried? Or was it irish car bombs? Oh dear lord. 
Gosh you would think no one but Michele and I were on this trip!! Oh wait I guess Steve was there.

 And photographic proof that we were there to celebrate little bro's birthday...not just to take self tonsil portraits. And no ladies I did not photoshop the chick. Yes I hate her too. 

So those that don't know me now know this. If you see me drinking out in public remove the camera out of my hands. Because ya'll no one needs to see my tonsils (or red tongue).

Want to see non-tonsil shots? AKA Sober shots? Head over to the photography blog.



Stephie and Michele take on Vegas- Part One

>> Monday, March 28, 2011

So Michele and I hit up the VIP lounge while we were in Vegas. AKA Madame Tussauds. Yeah we are bad-ass. Enough said.

We were pretty much kissing fools! 
I think Michele had already rolled in the hay with Hugh when I took this picture. Crazy hair!
 Kissing again. Wow how do we not have mouth herpes by this point. 

 Most realistic picture of the day! 
 Michele is bringing sexy back....and JT is all like Whatev! 
 Thank god there was no video of when I realized Britney was there. That would have been embarrassing! 
 Don't worry we scheduled dentist appointments when we got back
 Facebook profile pic anyone?
 Her husband would be so proud! 
 Michele: Mistress 109 of Tiger Woods

 This would have only been better if JT was in the scene in his leotard! (SNL...anyone? :crickets:)
 uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh
 Shoulda put a ring on it! 
 Stephaine: Little Monster. 
 See I told ya'll he wudn't dead! 
 This was the best part. I took my picture here. 
 She took hers here. 

And all was right in the world! 



Clean Your Room

>> Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lily is actually really good about cleaning her room. She cleans up without too much of a struggle most days. But as we have just returned from Vegas I think she wanted to do more playing with us than cleaning. So when I asked her to pick up her leggos this morning she responded with quite the little "Michaelesque" attitude:

I am always cleaning up!

complete with eye roll, huff, and throwing blocks into bin.

It is like I asked Michael to scrub a toilet.



Bad Habit Explained

>> Friday, March 18, 2011

Lily was never a pacifier baby. Never a thumbsucker. We just never had to deal with that type of behavior. Not even when she was teething. Lucky us. But recently a battle has emerged in our house. She has started gnawing on her fingers like crazy.  I am not a germophobe but yuck! I know what they have at daycare and I don't want you eating it. I saw you just touch that toilet seat to keep from falling in and your hand washing skills are not hospital grade. I am not sure what to do to get her stop other than ask her to stop and remove her hand from her mouth. So last week when I picked her up from school she was chewing on her finger. I politely asked her stop and she responded matter of factly:

"I have to do it Mommy. I'm tasty."

Well that clears that up. My bad.



Yeah Baby

>> Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I will be checked out for the next week. My hubby's little brother turned twenty-one this month and we decided to celebrate with some adult fun. Vegas Style. No baby. No work. No email. No facebook. Okay maybe a little facebook. No phone calls. Okay maybe a few drunk texts. Anyways. I will be having some Mommy time so check back next week for at least one "I cannot believe this happened" because sometimes what happens in really funny and should be told. I'm just saying....



LilyMae Photoblog!

>> Friday, March 11, 2011

If you haven't already take a second to go check out LilyMae. My new photography blog. You can follow the site if you scroll all the way to the is a little hidden I know.




That's what you get for sleeping in....

Sometimes I think getting to sleep in on the weekends is a curse. Don't get me wrong my husband is the most awesomest of the awesome. See every weekend I get to sleep while he gets up with the baby girl. Yeah like every weekend. Both Saturday and Sunday. Pretty much since she was born. I was would nurse and then he would take her. Sigh in jealousy here.  Well I do get up on Father's Day. I am not that heartless. I just need sleep yo!

He claims it is because he is old and wakes up anyway so why not let me sleep. I agree. But this weekend I figured out the real reason.

All before I got up out of bed the following occurred in my household:

A game of CandyLand
A game of Chutes and Ladders
Playtime outside on the playground
Hide and Seek in our front and back yard
Pretending the playground was a pirate ship
Pretending the pirate ship was being attacked by an alligator
Killing an alligator

At the end of the morning, while Mommy was still asleep, Lily came in from outside and said "Thanks Daddy. That was fun."

Makes you think you are doing something right huh?



Laser Tag

>> Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Our awesome neighbor Nga had a laser tag birthday party for her son Hamilton. This party was kick ass. The company set up laser tag in her yard, brought a bus that was wall to wall video games both inside and out, and to top it off a robot you could ride in and control. AWESOME! Needless to say Lily was the youngest guest. And the only nonsister girl. But my little girl ain't scared.

Dad I got this.....
 And she stands alone.

What these pictures don't show is after this kid above her shoots her. I hide her behind the wall, take her gun, and take matters into my own hands. Da Eads: 1. Kid picking on the two year old girl: 0

She loved the laser tag. I thought she was way to young. And while she had no chance of winning she hung with the boys. With no fear. That's my girl....




>> Saturday, March 05, 2011

Lily: Who is a bigger stinkpot? Cleo or Daddy?
Mommy: Daddy
Lily: Who is a big fairy? Like a BIG FAIRY!?
Mommy: What are my choices?
Lily: Daddy. Daddy is a big fairy.

Five minutes later....

:enter Daddy post haircut:
Lily: Daddy!!!
Daddy: What's up Lily?
Lily: Daddy? Your hair fall out?

God I love this child. Entertainment (and Daddy torture) for days.




>> Friday, March 04, 2011

With the launch of LilyMae I entrusted my dear friend Nicole Faby to take a few shots of me and Lily to help decorate the about pages of the sight. It is kind of hard to take pictures of yourself you know. Not impossible, but not easy.

Here are a few of my favorites! Check out and for more



LilyMae PhotoBlog

>> Thursday, March 03, 2011

Well the day is finally here. I warned you changes were coming! I was still on the fence about how exactly I wanted to do my photoblog so it is a little late. A separate site, another page, etc. So I missed my initial roll out of date of my birthday last week. But hopefully it was worth the wait.

Introducing LilyMae my new photoblog!

I will still be maintaining this site as well but I encourage you to go over and follow LilyMae in addition to Da Eads. I will be doing a lot more of my projects on that site and fun family posts/journaling on this site.

