Changes are coming....

>> Monday, February 14, 2011

In honor of my birthday this month, changes are coming to Da Eads. I know the site has been neglected recently but with a focus on my photography, my writing focus has suffered. As I change and grow the direction this site goes will follow.

It is not that I do not thoroughly enjoy the writing aspect but we cannot have it all. In an ideal world I would not have a day job, I would snap pictures of my perfect two year old in perfect outfits, always perfectly smiling, and then write amazing memories on a daily basis of my cool and sheik life as a mod mom. But real life is not so grand. I have started spending a lot of time and energy on my family, my real job, and finally my love of all things pictures. I have been busy taking classes, investing in equipment and I am even considering a photography club. Yeah I am a nerd. I know. No judgment zone people!

So keep your eye out for a new site...maybe a new name. Maybe a new site with a new name! Maybe a complimentary site? I am a little flighty in my need for change.



Nicole Faby February 16, 2011 at 8:01 AM  

new pictures for the new blog?!