23 Weeks (Almost)

>> Friday, February 15, 2008

I had another doctors appointment this week. I saw another male doctor. This time it went a little smoother. AKA no fat comments. Actually no weight gain talk at all since I only gained five pounds this month which is about normal. I had my stomach measured for the first time, and listened to the baby's heartbeat. I have to say normally they had to feel around a bit with the doppler to get the heartbeat but this time it was a quick put the contraption on my belly and then "boom boom boom" Her little heart must be getting big and strong! It was awesome as usual. She had a heartbeat of 150 beats per minute.

I did talk about my backpain a little more with the doctor and he said to schedule a massage and start heating pads at night to ease up the pain with an occasional tynenol on the bad days. I also mentioned my feet had started swelling and he told me to elevate them at night. So nothing new basically...suck it up. Next appointment is with my actually doctor who I had not seen since my original appointment so that will be nice.

As far as nursery updates we got the bedding from the previous blog and we decided to keep it. It looks sweet and Michael did not hate it so we decided its a keeper. He hates just about anything I like so it will have to do. This weekend I am going to start the search for some material to recover the glider. Now the debate will be to try it myself or pay someone to recover it. It really just depends on how I feel after I buy it.

I would like to say a good-bye to nonbaby Valentines Day as we celebrated our last solo love day last night with a Pizza Hut Pizza and an episode of Lost. No more quiet evenings to spend together for awhile. Luckily Michael shows me he loves me daily so I don't need a day, but it is nice to get pampered every once in awhile. Luckily my birthday is coming up :)