>> Thursday, November 12, 2009

And by mostest I mean mostest germs. We invited the Bakers over for food and football on Sunday since the girls had such a good time the last week and happy kids equal happy parents (aka a moment of free adult time!). We cooked out, my hubby had way to much to drink and then proceeded to use words that no toddler should ever hear. So all in all a standard Sunday night. They left with me completely mortified at my husbands dirty drunken sailor mouth and Lily went to bed. As mentioned yesterday, later that night did not go as well for me. I was quite sick.

But being the good friend that I am I could not let them leave the house without the bug that was about to bring me down. Whereas I was the only one in my house that got the bug I was surprised to see an email from the Bakers yesterday afternoon.

"We want to thank you Eads family for sharing your home, food and awesome NFL football package with us Sunday night. We, however, are not thankful for the dystentary-like virus we no doubtedly picked up from you all."    The Bakers

So not only did Michael teach their child (and mine) naughty words, we also infected them with a horrible virus. And their whole house got it....oops. Hey it was all in a good fun. They are all recovering nicely at home. Sorry guys!

Reason #1097 as to why I suck


Trish November 12, 2009 at 11:08 AM  

Glad I wasn't invited!!!!
