My New Favorite Thing!

>> Monday, November 19, 2007

This morning as I am sitting at my desk at work with my stomach all crammed into a pair of pants, I realized I need to break down and buy some maternity clothes. I have been putting this off since every book says I should not need them for another month. But I am just that uncomfortable. So at lunch I went to Old Navy fully prepared for an experience that might be worse than shopping for a bathing suit while you have PMS and pasty white skin. Surprisingly enough, other than Old Navy's pathetic excuse for a maternity department I can honestly say the experience was not that bad. I really just needed pants but looked at everything. I went into the dressing room with four pairs of pants and two shirts. Well I am definitely not big enough for the shirts yet since everything looks like a moo-moo. Although no matter how big I am I do not think this will change. But the pants. My God the Pants!!! I think God himself created maternity pants. This is a comfort I cannot explain. All I can say is I walked out of the dressing room with three of the pants death gripped in my hand. The fourth was only returned to the rack because they were dry clean only. Yes this is officially my favorite thing about being pregnant.